Argent Communications - About

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Argent Communications is principally involved in the development, management and operation of broadband cable networks. Argent was formed in early 2009 for the purpose of acquiring the cable systems located in the Towns of Milan and Stratford, NH that were scheduled to be dismantled by Windjammer Communications.


A privately held Limited Liability Company based in New Hampshire, Argent is managed by a core of seasoned professionals with decades of experience in the cable industry. Argent employs local folks from Vermont, and New Hampshire. Our skilled technicians live in the communities we serve while our knowledgeable customer service team is based in West Lebanon, New Hampshire.

Since its inception, Argent has continued to grow, acquiring new systems and rolling out new services. We now service the communities of Chesterfield, Spofford, Westmoreland, Troy, Fitzwilliam, Rindge, and Milan Mew Hampshire. We are proud to offer up to 1Gig speeds on our all new fiber to the home network in Troy NH.